Starting and registering an association

When you start an association, you must choose a name, draw up articles of association and found the association. The association can then be registered.

Conditions for starting an association:

  • Associations must have at least two founders.
  • Both natural persons and entities (e.g. private limited companies or other associations) can be founders. 

Founding and registering an association

To order to register an association, you must fill in the form entitled 'Coordinated register notification'. The form is submitted online in Altinn.

An association is normally founded by producing a Memorandum of Association. If the association wish to have an organisation number it must be registered in the Register of Legal Entities.

The Brønnøysund Register Centre – Register a club or an association

The Brønnøysund Register Centre – Memorandum of association

The Brønnøysund Register Centre – Simplified form for associations

Guideline to Coordinated register notification – simplified form for associations

When your association has been registered electronically, you will be notified via your 'Inbox' in Altinn.

Naming an association

There are no specific requirements regarding the names of associations. You can check if the intended name is available by doing a search on the website Namesearch.

Check that the name is available at

Register of Norwegian NGOs, grassroots share and VAT reimbursement

Associations that carry on voluntary activity can also opt to register in the Register of Non-Profit Organisations (NGO). To participate in various grant schemes, including the grassroots share, voluntary organisations are required to register in the Register of Non-Profit Organisations. Voluntary organisations registered in the Register of Non-Profit Organisationsalso have the option of applying for VAT reimbursement through the VAT refund scheme.

The grassroots share is a scheme that allows everyone participating
in certain games offered by Norsk Tipping to choose that a specific share of their stake goes to a designated voluntary organisation. It is a condition that the organisation only carries on voluntary activity at local or regional level.

The VAT reimbursement scheme is a subsidy scheme where voluntary organisations can apply for reimbursement for VAT which they have paid on purchases of goods and services. The Norwegian Gaming and Foundation Authority is responsible for the scheme.

Registration in the Register of Non-Profit Organisations can be done when registering the association or later.

The Brønnøysund Register Centre – Guide to the supplement form for registration in the Register of Non-Profit Organisations

The Brønnøysund Register Centre – Supplement for registration in the Register of Non-Profit Organisations

The Norwegian Gaming and Foundation Authority on VAT reimbursement (in Norwegian only)

Norsk Tipping on the grass roots share (in Norwegian only)

The Norwegian Tax Administration on VAT for charitable and benevolent organisations

The Norwegian Tax Administration – Tax-exempt organisations

How long does it take?

The Brønnøysund Register Centre's case processing times vary through the year.

The Brønnøysund Register Centre – Expected processing time

How much does it cost?

Registering in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities and the Register of Norwegian NGOs is free. Upon registration in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities, the association will be assigned an organisation number.

Associations that carry on commercial activity must be registered in the Register of Business Enterprises. 

The registration fee for registering in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities and the Register of Business Enterprises is NOK 3 379 in the case of electronic registration (NOK 3,925 in the case of registration using a paper form).

The registration fee in the Register of Business Enterprises later is NOK 2,651 in the case of electronic registration (NOK 3,198 in the case of registration using a paper form).

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